A na-ahụkarị uru nke Phokovoltaic Bree ọwa C-S-S-SED TEMBARA EGO NA-EGO NA-EGO NA-EGO NA-EGO. A na-ejikwa ọwa C-S-S-Ezubere n'ụzọ ziri ezi ma nwee ike iguzogide ikuku na snow, na-ejide ndozi nchekwa nke motovoltaic modulu. Na mgbakwunye, ọdịdị ọwa nke ọwa na-eme ka nrụnye dabara adaba ma belata ụgbọ njem na-ebelata. Usoro ọgwụgwọ ya na-enwekarị ezigbo mgbochi mgbochi corrion ma na-agbasa ndụ ya. C-shaped channel steel also has good compatibility, is suitable for a variety of photovoltaic systems, and can meet the needs of different projects, making it an ideal choice in the field of photovoltaic power generation.
A na-ejikarị igwefoto ígwè c-over na-eme ka carbon siri ike na ike dị elu na ibu ibu. The single-pillar structure is simple in design and easy to install for a variety of construction and mechanical support applications. Its cross section form makes the pillar have good stability in both longitudinal and transverse, suitable for bearing large loads. In addition, C-channel steel has good corrosion resistance and can maintain a long service life in harsh environments, making it ideal for use in places such as industrial plants and warehouses.
Photovoltaic Bracket bụ ihe eji eme ihe eji eme ihe eji eme ihe iji kwado modulu anyanwụ na anyanwụ Photovltaic ike ọbrọwa. Ọ bụ akụrụngwa dị mkpa na owuwu nke Phokovoltatic Power. A na-akpọkwa ya sọf panel. Ọ bụ ihe owuwu dị mkpa eji wụnye ma kwado ogwe anyanwụ. Ọ bụ ya na "ọkpụkpụ" nke ọdụ ụgbọ elu Photovoltaic. It provides stable and reliable support for photovoltaic modules and ensures that the photovoltaic power station can operate stably in various environments.
A bịa n'ibu ụlọ ndị siri ike ma nwee ntụkwasị obi, na-ahọrọ ụlọ ọrụ kwesịrị ekwesị dị mkpa. N'etiti ọtụtụ nhọrọ dị, C-Onle Chaleration nchara pụtara ìhè dị ka ihe a ma ama na ama. IAmong ụdị c pumpins dị iche iche, anyị ga-elekwasị anya n'ụzọ dị iche iche na nke gawara nke ọma n'ihi ịdịte ya na ike ya. Isi ọrụ nke braket bụ idozi nke
Double Slotted Channel | Cheap Strut Channel | Na-ekpo ọkụ na-acha uhie uhie catlin
are usually composed of U-shaped steel or C-shaped steel made of zinc, aluminum and magnesium and support and connection accessories. This design makes the bracket not only easy to transport, but also easy to assemble, easy to maintain, long service life, and low economic cost. advantage. Na mgbakwunye, enwere ike ibute plottovoltaic brackets nwekwara ike kewara n'ime brackets na bọọdụ. Fixed brackets are further divided into ordinary fixed brackets and fixed adjustable brackets. E nwere ike ijikwa usoro nke ihe ndị mejupụtara dị ka mgbanwe ndị dị na ìhè na oge dị iche iche.
, also known as strut channels or metal frame channels, are commonly used in construction and industrial settings to support, frame and secure a variety of building components and systems. A na-eji è na-eji ígwè ma mee oghere na oghere iji mee ka mgbakwunye nke fasteners, brackets, na ngwaike ndị ọzọ. Grooved steel channels come in a variety of sizes and thicknesses, making them suitable for a variety of applications such as supporting conduits, pipes, cable tray systems, HVAC units, and other mechanical and electrical components. They are often used to create frames for mounting and organizing equipment and fixtures, providing versatile and customizable solutions for structural support and installation needs.